29 september 2010

Okay, another stressing day! Pagi tadi tidur kejap saje, pukul 3-4 pagi, then sambung buat assignment smpai lah pagi tu punye kelas, xtidur, so just imagine mcm mana kat kelas. Trimas a lot kepada Miss Lida kerana sgt2 memahami kami! haha~ Miss telah dgn baik hatinya bg kami rehat kejap, nampak muke penat and mengantuk sume orang, and yg paling tak boleh blahnnye, ramai betul yg xdtg hari ni..hmm,  musykil2..haha, tau lah esok pagi2 kul 8 dah kne submit assignment Miss Ayu. haduiii~~

Masa agama pun, ustazah sgt baik dan memahami, cuma time speaking test tadi..huh~ Aku tidak sedarkan diri n dtg agk lmbt, nasib baik xkena marah and speaking test tadi mcm ape je.. Diorg ckp aku ok, OK lah sgt ! mcm ape je~~~~~ hadooiii.. 

Berserahlah aku pada takdir,huhu~~

Rahsia dihati takde sape yang tahu

ahad : 26 september

tinggal lagi 4 hari je nak kene hantar dah assignment miss ayu~ haih..
memang betullah punye student.. mane nak cari journal ni, 1 pun xde pasal world wide web.. oh, yes.. miss ade ckp pasal perubahan dak2 kelas OMD1TA, and I kind of agree with that, semua dah berubah.. tak tau kenapa.. mungkin jugak stress dengan assignment tu, tapi..hmm, OMD1TA dah tak seceria dulu, what happen guys? hmm.. musykil2..

hari ni, memang hari lepak di library, haha~
leh katakan seharian aku kat library uitm tu, semangat nak siap assignment, konon~haha
ditemani anne di siang hari, malam ade qema n ain, kebetulan.. sekarang ni, punyelah aku nak mengedit assignment ctu101 ni, hadooiii, tidak ku fahami apekah yg telah diberikan padaku ini..

oh yes, not to forget, kesian kat classmate aku sorang ni yg kehilangan bestfriend die.  muke die aku tak nampak senyum langsung hari ni, sorg2 duduk kat gazebo.. aku doakan semoga roh kwn baik die dicucuri rahmat dan bersemadi dgn tenang. kpd classmate aku tu,harap2, kau bnyak2 kan bersabar, jgn bersedih sgt, doakan die, mesti die pun taknak tengok kau bersedih.. lpas kau da tenangkan diri, fokus betul2 pada stdy..

itu saja untuk hari ni, semoga hari esok menjadi lebih baik ^_^
Rahsia dihati takde sape yang tahu

know my words, know my style, only then you'll get what i mean~

this blog is especially made for me to have some space to express what i feel, those who think you would like to know me, yes, you may proceed by following this blog for sure, haha :D

well, first and foremost, the name is JASMIZA NURUL HAZMIRA BINTI HAMZAH. just simply call me Jas, feel free to be friend with you.. ^_^

i'm a simple person with a simple need, no big deal, for me, life is about being happy with what you have and what you are.. let other people talk about you, they don't know you anyway, you know who you are, right? i hate it when someone force me in any situation or what so ever.. i don't like being forced, especially in friendship.. i do have a lot of friend but still i felt empty, when it comes to problems, i'd be comfortable to just keep it in myself coz, nobody can understand you better than youself, isn't it? so, i'll cry alone, i'll be sad and angry alone, but feel free to share my happiness with other.. ^_^
yup, that's me~
sometimes, i might be smiling, but, my heart is crying..
sometimes, i might be crying, but, it's for happiness..

i'm not asking for much, just want everybody around me to be happy with me around and even without me, they'll still be happy.. if they're happy, then it's enough for me.. 

i do, sometimes want someone to care about me, but when that happens, i'll be like, no thanks.. haha~

i'll run away and live my life alone.. coz that's just how i lived for about 18 years now..

that's all for now~
till we meet again.., haha.. ^^

Rahsia dihati takde sape yang tahu

blog ini adalah hak milik mutlak JNHH
story of jasmiza n.h